Welcome to Bracken Methodist Church & Preschool

Welcome Home!

Welcome home to Bracken Methodist Church, where it is our vision

To LOVE All.

To GROW Disciples.

To SERVE Community.


We are excited to know you!

We are now part of the Mid Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church.

At Bracken, you will experience a warm, friendly, faithful, active, and mission-minded community. 

Come as you are; you are more than enough. 
We offer two different worship services, both in our historic Sanctuary:
9:00 am Traditional
11:00 am Contemporary
We stream both services ONLINE through YouTube.  For details on what to expect from the services and how to watch our online services, click here. We also offer 10 am Sunday School classes for all ages, as well as a nursery. Be sure to click on our Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry pages to see additional offerings for them!
We are a small church with big ministries! Check out our Bracken Methodist Preschool as well as all the Ministries we offer to the community!
And so, friends, welcome home to Bracken! We can’t wait to see you!

 Contact Us:


Church Office: 830-606-6717
Preschool: 830-624-1429
20377 FM 2252
San Antonio, TX 78266
Below are links to register your  attendance for February 16th submit a prayer request, watch our online services, or make a contribution.  
Give Online
Donate by Mail
20377 FM 2252
San Antonio, TX 78266
 If you have a Facebook account, please “like” the Bracken Methodist Church and Preschool page and look for our activities and events.. 
Services will also be posted on YouTube. All you have to do is log into Bracken’s channel  Please make sure to “subscribe” to our YouTube channel. 


Bracken Methodist Church & Preschool